Huskeecup of coffee, add to a Wishing You Well gift box to send Australia wide.

Have you heard of HuskeeCups? Well we have and we love them!


Huskee Cup’s are designer reusable coffee cups that are made for cafes, at home & on-the-go coffee drinkers. The best part is that the Huskee cup uses coffee husk as a raw material.

These little babies are (hopefully) going to be everywhere. Huskee are investing in the planet and are launching a HuskeeSwap. This launches Monday 4th to Wednesday 6th of November 2019 Australia-wide including Newcastle! When you order a coffee at a cafe, and they are taking part, you will drop off your old Huskee cup and take away your coffee in a new Huskee cup. It will have been commercially cleaned and you may even get a different colour back. 


The stats are that us Aussies throw away over 50,000 takeaway coffee cups every 30 minutes. That’s over a billion every year. To solve this problem, we need a global community of cafes and coffee drinkers who swap and exchange a single reusable takeaway coffee cup. We need HuskeeSwap. @ 

So these cups are good for the planet and also have a stack of perks. The cup has a slim grip-able fin design that protects your hands from the heat and also keeps your drink hot. It’s designed to last for years, is BPA free and has a streamlined design which allows for easy hygienic cleaning. It also features coffee husk as a raw material. Coffee husk is an organic waste material that’s produced at the milling stage of coffee production, so you are helping to recycle hundreds of tonnes of waste material from the production of coffee. It also has lids and saucers that are made out of the same material and all can interchange no matter what the size. 

The best part is you can add one of these awesome little cups (and lid) to any of our gift boxes. We have the 8 oz size in Black and Oatmeal. So be a part of this great eco movement.✨

Huskeecup in a Wishing You well gift box for sending Australia wide.


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