Best sellers for our care packs
We spend many hours researching and only select the best quality products for our store. We don't have favourites and love all the products however we have noticed there are some items that are chosen more often by you for your care packs.

Here is a list of our top 10 best selling products for care packs:
1. Moo Goo milk udder cream
2. Lemon, ginger & manuka honey herbal tea (Pukka)
3. Sea salt & caramel chocolate (GNAW)
4. Healing aromatherapy crystal roller (Summer Salt Body)
5. Ginger chews (Gin Gins)
6. Blue cypress & juniper berry oil hand cream (Freshwater Farm)
7. Eucalyptus & peppermint shower steamer (Anihana)
8. Heat/cool pillows (Tonic)
9. Cuddle soft toys (OB Designs)
10.Hug mugs (Robert Gordon)

Top 3 best sellers for get well care packs
1. Lemon, ginger & manuka honey herbal tea // Pukka tea
2. Eucalyptus shower steamer // Anihana
3. Heat/cool heat pillows // Tonic

Top 3 best sellers for sympathy care packs
1. Forget met not candle // The Aromatherapy Co.
2. Forget me not seeds // Sow n sow
3. Calming herbal tea // LOVE tea

Top 3 best sellers for cancer support care packs
1. Moo Goo range (milk wash, milk udder lotion, lip balm)
2. Lemon, ginger & manuka honey herbal tea // Pukka tea
3. Ginger chews // Gin gins

Top 3 best sellers for new baby care packs
1. Soft bunny toy // OB designs
2. Breastfeeding tea // LOVE tea
3. Baby body wash // Al.ive

Top 3 best sellers for vegan care packs
1. Sea salt & salted caramel chocolate // GNAW
2. Vegan choc chip cookies // Serious cookies
3. Drinking chocolate // Grounded Pleasures